Fabric Flair
Creationist purple
With this Creationist Purple cross-stitch fabric you will feel like you are holding the universe in your …
$22.99 -
Crocus - Solid Cross Stitch Fabric
The first harbinger of spring, pairing with dusty greens would make you happy! About our Dying Using the lates…
$22.99 -
Cupcakes on Blue - Patterned Cross Stitch Fabric
Wow, this Bright and Traditional pattern is perfect for getting into to the Crafting mood! About our Dy…
$22.99 -
Daffodil - Hand Dyed Cross Stitch Fabric
Daffodil bouquets don't last long enough. This creamy yellow with darker yellow patches will certainly put a s…
$22.99 -
Damson Berry Hand Dyed Effect Cross Stitch Fabric
Damson Berry Hand Dyed Effect Cross Stitch Fabric About our Dying Using the latest technology we can create be…
$22.99 -
Darker Paw Prints Cross Stitch Fabric
Darker Paw Prints Cross Stitch Fabric Animal lovers unite! Paw prints can be printed on any background color, …
$22.99 -
Dawn Petunia Cross Stitch Fabric
About Our Dyeing Using the latest technology, we create beautiful, colorfast, and environmentally friendly fab…
$22.99 -
Declaration of Independence Cross Stitch Fabric
Declaration of Independence on Parchment Cross Stitch Fabric Photographed on 32 Linen. About Our Dyeing Using …
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Deep Hyacinth - Solid Cross Stitch Fabric
Really nice strong purplish tones...all green shades of floss would glow. About our Dying Using the latest tec…
$22.99 -
Delphinium - Solid Cross Stitch Fabric
What a lovely, rich, deep purple. Order it now for your own garden. About our Dying Using the latest technolog…
$22.99 -
Denim - Hand Dyed Effect Cross Stitch Fabric
One of our most popular designs! Denim revolutionized fashion - it might revolutionize cross stitch! About Our…
$22.99 -
Denim - Solid Cross Stitch Fabric
Not washed out at all, like the first indigo, amazing vibrancy. About our Dying Using the latest techno…